Network NoVA is pleased to present the new license plate for a more inclusive Virginia.
It stands for the strength of an inclusive community, the melding of many different cultures and perspectives with the common purpose of coming together to work toward the common goals of one country- life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Network NoVA orchestrated the development of this specialized license plate to celebrate a patriotism that is diverse and united. Delegate Alfonso Lopez has graciously agreed to be our legislative sponsor.
Now we just need to collect 450 paid applications.
Fees are $10 for non-personalized plates and $20 for personalized plates.
OR FILL OUT YOUR OWN: http://www.dmv.virginia.gov/webdoc/pdf/vsa10.pdf
On the application specify:
Special interest group: E PLURIBUS UNUM, LLC Other: E Pluribus Unum
Please mail applications with checks written to:
E Pluribus Unum VA Plates, LLC
PO Box 3345
Arlington, VA 22203
Download the VA License Plate Flyer here.
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